Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The new 2008 PMP graphic at the Jennings event in Florida

According to an old Italian saying “A wet bride is a lucky bride”, so I feel to extend a similar wish to our 2008 PMP graphic. Last weekend the PMP crew was in Jennings, Florida for the customary winter event down South, in the so-called Sun State, but on Saturday the guys (I remained in NYC) were welcomed by heavy rain and unusual low temperatures. Indeed Sunday was a dry day and the temperature went up to 52, warm enough to let starving riders to satisfy their hanger for riding accumulated after almost 4 months of inactivity. I have not met yet the guys to get more details, but I did hear that despite the winter rust, they were going as fast as they could, inspired by the presence of a “Canadian champion” in Jennings for a week of tests.
Anyhow, thank you to Almos we have a few picture about the weekend and the new PMP 2008 graphic too! This year our “painter” Mario Pires opted for a mono-color bike, white pearl with blue reflections, while the graphic, inspired by one of Rossi’s bikes in 2007, was developed by our artist and graphic specialist Diana Sliwa, JS Typography. It is again Diana behind the creation of the beautiful PMP poster/wall paper picture that shows in detail our beloved trademark logo.

On a different note it’s with a lot of curiosity that I post the following picture:

This the GPS layout of the track with info about the rider’s performance as memorized by Almos’s latest gadget on his GSX-R 750: I will let him, maybe in the comment section,to describe the different functions of this expensive toy.
The next track event for us will be only in April, but with all the MotoGp tests scheduled in the next future and all the speculations and suspense that they create the time will go by fast …very fast.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The 2008 PMP graphic soon unveiled in Jennings

Twelve months ago in Jennings we unveiled the new PMP bikes. During the season several other friends decided to join our group, so during the summer it happened more than once to have 8-12 PMP bikes lined up all together in front our tents in the pit areas. The attention generated by the bikes along with our friendly attitude have created the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people with whom we have hanged out at the race track as well at fun nights out in NYC.
Anyhow, in the last couple of months we have decided to add new graphic ideas so, again with the help of Mario Pires and Diana Sliwa we created a PMP re-interpretation of a design used by our hero, Valentino Rossi, during the past season: next week, the first 2008 PMP bike will roll on the track along with the “old sisters” … pictures will follow!